Types of Chatbots Guide: A Business Perspective

calendar Updated September 25, 2024
Maryna Bilan
Former Marketing Manager
Types of Chatbots Guide: A Business Perspective

Do you know what a chatbot is? Chances are you do, considering that nearly 90% of people have engaged in at least one chatbot conversation. What’s more, statistics show that 58% of B2B and 42% of B2C companies are actively using chatbots, signifying their significant value in the business landscape.

In fact, it’s projected that chatbots will be handling up to 90% of queries in the near future. But have you ever considered the substantial benefits these digital assistants can bring to your business? By replacing potential chat support workers with chatbots, businesses can trim support costs by as much as 30%.

And the impact doesn’t stop there; many businesses reporting an impressive sales increase of 67% and 55% rise in the number of higher-quality leads when using chatbots. Moreover, 62% of consumers express a preference for interacting with customer service chatbots over waiting for a human agent. Even more promising, 69% of consumers report satisfaction with their most recent bot interaction.

The growing popularity of chatbots is undeniable. With chatbots being used by businesses of all sizes to automate customer service, marketing, and sales, it is only natural that you consider adopting this technology for your own business. However, with so many different types of chatbots available, choosing the right one can be a daunting task.

The ideal chatbot type for your business will depend on a number of factors. These include:

  • its intended purpose
  • technological capabilities
  • mode of communication
  • specific use cases.

To make the most of chatbots and maximize their benefits for your business, it is important to understand the basic types of chatbots, their strengths and limitations, and the business value they offer.

As experts in the field of chatbot development and Conversational AI, we are here to assist you with this decision-making process. In this article, we discuss the various types of chatbots you may encounter today, providing insights into their unique capabilities and how they can bring value to your business. Let’s explore the world of chatbots and discover which one best suits your needs.

Chatbot Taxonomy

What is a chatbot? A chatbot is a computer program or AI system designed to simulate conversation with human users. There are many different types of chatbots, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The right type of chatbot for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements.

Types of Chatbots
Types of Chatbots

By Technological Differences

Traditional Decision Tree-Style Chatbots

Traditional decision tree-style chatbots offer diverse approaches to automated interactions, including:

  • Menu/button-Based Chatbots. A button-based chatbot represents the most basic form of chatbot technology available today. Users select predefined buttons to initiate actions, eliminating the possibility of free-text input. While this simplicity can streamline interactions, it comes with limitations. The chatbot may become unresponsive if a user’s query falls outside the predefined options. Thus, it becomes ineffective in certain cases. In essence, these are “scripted chatbots,” constrained by specific question-answer pairs.
  • Keyword Recognition-Based Chatbots. Keyword recognition-based chatbots represent a more advanced evolution of chatbot technology. These bots can identify relevant keywords in user queries and offer appropriate responses. For example, a user asks about the price of a product. The chatbot sees keywords like “price” and “product X.” It then provides detailed pricing information. This enhances the chatbot’s ability to understand and effectively respond to user inquiries.
  • Rule-Based Chatbots. Rule-based virtual assistants operate based on predefined sets of rules embedded within them. The complexity of these rules can vary, depending on industry, tasks, and available resources. Rule-based chatbots operate on a conditional if/then basis, simplifying the training process. These chatbots are cost-effective and straightforward to implement.

AI-Powered Chatbots

How does an AI chatbot work? AI-powered chatbots represent the forefront of conversational technology. They have the ability to self-learn and adapt to user interactions. Such chatbots are constructed upon a framework of advanced technologies.

These primarily include Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), among other cutting-edge advancements. Unlike rule-based bots, the development and training of AI chatbots require substantial resources and expertise.

AI-powered chatbots excel at understanding and responding to user queries. They have remarkable accuracy, engaging users in dynamic and personalized conversations. Their adaptability extends to multiple languages, enabling global reach and multilingual support. These chatbots can continuously learn from user interactions.

They also process vast data volumes and provide insightful recommendations. However, the development of AI chatbots presents challenges. These include the substantial time and resources required. The company should also be aware of data privacy concerns. Another risk is misinterpreting user intent or providing incorrect responses.

Let’s discuss two subcategories of conversational technology:

  • Conversational AI chatbots, a subset of AI-powered chatbots, use the power of NLP technologies. They decipher user intent and provide solutions without human intervention. This is done thanks to the integration of machine learning models. These chatbots engage users in dynamic and insightful conversations. They are able to identify user intent and comprehend context. Through seamless API integration, they execute tasks on behalf of users, going beyond providing mere links to self-service instructions.
  • Generative AI-based chatbots use Generative AI capabilities to enhance their conversational prowess. These chatbots have Generative AI integrated into their architecture. This technology allows them to craft human-like responses and maintain context throughout conversations. They excel in providing natural and coherent interactions, adapting their responses to the nuances of user input. These chatbots are particularly beneficial in virtual assistants, customer support, and content generation.

Using AI, NLP, and ML technologies in chatbot development enhances user experiences. It also streamlines operations across industries, highlighting the potential of AI-powered chatbots.

Hybrid Chatbots

Hybrid chatbots combine rule-based simplicity with AI intelligence. They also quickly transfer use to human agents when needed.

They efficiently handle various customer queries:

  • Rule-based chatbot provides quick responses to common questions.
  • AI-powered capabilities handle more complex inquiries.

The benefit lies in improved customer service efficiency. At the same time, drawbacks like complexity and potential human agent costs arise. Hybrid chatbots balance automation and human interaction for enhanced customer support.

By Primary Mode of Communication

Different chatbot types are designed to cater to specific communication needs. Two primary modes of chatbot communication stand out: text-based and voice-enabled chatbots.

Text-Based Chatbots

Text-based chatbots communicate exclusively through text or messaging. They are good at swiftly comprehending customer needs and providing immediate solutions. They also gather valuable feedback for prompt engagement.

These chatbots often integrate with messaging apps, social media, SMS, and other text-based channels. This makes them an efficient choice for text-driven interactions.

On the flip side, users are required to type or tap their queries and commands, which may demand more time and effort.

Voice-Enabled Chatbots

Voice-enabled chatbots, also known as text-to-speech chatbots, revolutionize the chatbot landscape. These AI voice assistants utilize pre-recorded responses and text-to-speech technology to address user queries. There are two modes of operation:

  • 1. Users can command the chatbot orally or in written form, with responses in voice.
  • 2. Users solely rely on voice commands, as seen with famous voice assistant examples like Siri and Alexa.

Voice AI for business offers a fluid and natural user experience. Their AI-driven capabilities enable continuous learning and adaptation. This makes them a compelling choice for voice-driven interactions.

By Functionality and Purpose

Depending on the purpose, businesses can choose between two types of chatbots: transactional or conversational.

Transactional Chatbots

A transactional chatbot, also known as a task-oriented chatbot, excels in single-purpose functionality. It’s designed to automate specific tasks or functions efficiently. They present users with a predefined set of options.

Users select their desired action or specify the problem they need assistance with. Then, the chatbot guides them through the process. This guidance continues until the user’s query is resolved, the task is completed, or the user is transferred to a live agent if necessary.

Transactional chatbots leverage NLP to understand user intent. They provide automated responses in a conversational manner. These interactions rely on structured data. So, the chatbot is invaluable for businesses with predefined actions or common inquiries.

For instance, restaurants, delivery services, and financial institutions often use transactional chatbots. They help address routine questions like business hours or assist with straightforward transactions. The widespread use of transactional chatbots spans various industries, showcasing their adaptability.

Conversational Chatbots

Conversational chatbots or digital assistants are more advanced and interactive bots. With NLP, Conversational AI, and database access, they easily decipher user queries and responses. This enables them to deliver dynamic and contextually relevant answers, mimicking human-like interactions.

These chatbots go a step further by incorporating predictive intelligence and analytics. They offer highly personalized experiences based on individual user profiles and past interactions.

Over time, conversational chatbots learn user preferences. Such capability enables them to provide personalized recommendations and anticipate user needs. They are used in e-commerce, online services, social platforms, and B2B enterprises. They are indispensable for businesses seeking to enhance user engagement and satisfaction.

Business Value of Different Types of Chatbots

Chatbots play a crucial role in modern businesses, offering distinct degrees of value depending on their capabilities. Consider these statistics when evaluating the potential impact of chatbots:

  • Chatbots increase sales by an average of 67%.
  • 90% of businesses report faster complaint resolution with chatbots.
  • 57% achieve substantial ROI with minimal chatbot investment.
  • Chatbots generate 35-40% response rates, with rates up to 90% for engaged users.
  • Chatbots can boost website conversion rates by 10-100%, depending on the industry.
  • Chatbots reduce operational customer service costs by up to 30%.
  • 55% of businesses use chatbots to generate higher-quality leads.
  • 80% see improved customer satisfaction, service delivery, and contact center performance.

Overall, various types of chatbots offer different degrees of business value depending on their capabilities. Understanding chatbot features can help businesses choose chatbots for their specific needs.

In practice, the diverse types of chatbots’ business value depends on the use case and complexity. For instance, a basic AI chatbot that answers simple queries may provide only a fraction of the business value. In contrast, a personalized AI chatbot capable of executing transactions raises the value. Moreover, AI chatbots improve customer experiences, personalize interactions, and resolve complex problems.

The highest business value often comes from personalized and transactional chatbots. These chatbots can adjust messages, automate customer tasks, and integrate with databases. This allows them to offer a highly personalized experience. Additionally, advanced NLP algorithms enhance text classification accuracy. Such chatbots can confirm user intent effectively.

AI model integration boosts business value through product recommendations based on user behavior. Conversational AI adds a natural and friendly touch to interactions. However, its impact on commercial value is minimal, as customers value efficient problem-solving. Decision on types of chatbots is made based on business objectives and customer needs to maximize its value.

Chatbots are being used by businesses of all sizes for a variety of purposes, including customer service, marketing, and sales. In the next two sections, we will discuss some chatbot examples and use cases to see how they improve business operations.

Chatbots in Action: Common Use Cases and Examples

FAQ Chatbot

FAQ Chatbots are virtual assistants designed to respond instantly to common queries. They use natural language, making it easy for users to ask questions. They provide user-centric interactions by interpreting questions and generating relevant answers. Powered by technologies like NLP and ML, they understand language nuances and give precise responses.

The benefits of FAQ chatbots are numerous. They work 24/7, reducing support team workloads and costs. Users love their prompt responses, with 74% preferring chatbots for quick answers. Multilingual support expands their reach, which is ideal for diverse markets. High response rates keep users engaged, providing accessible information on conversational landing pages. Overall, FAQ chatbots optimize operations, boost sales, and nurture strong customer relationships.

The World Surf League Bot
The World Surf League Bot

The World Surf League Bot on Facebook Messenger by Master of Code Global is a remarkable FAQ chatbot example. It caters to surf enthusiasts, offering a dynamic experience. Users can subscribe to notifications, search for athletes, and engage in emoji-friendly conversations. A custom game tests knowledge, enhancing engagement. This bot showcases how FAQ chatbots effectively engage users and enhance experiences.

Key results:

  • over 4K active users within a week after the release;
  • 100-140 new users daily;
  • user retention rates stayed at 19.6% on the fifth day.

Consulting Chatbots

The consulting chatbot plays a vital role in efficiently addressing customers’ recurring questions. It often serves as first-level support. It also identifies complex issues and directs customers to the appropriate agent. This seemingly simple function can enhance service quality and reduce the workload of support teams. Thus, it is an invaluable tool for businesses to optimize customer support processes.

H&M’s Kik Chatbot
H&M’s Kik Chatbot

H&M’s Kik Chatbot is a consulting chatbot, acting as a personalized digital stylist for customers. It simplifies the shopping process. The users can swiftly discover the ideal items without scrolling all product catalogs. H&M chatbot offers immediate fashion guidance based on user’s preferences and uses this data for future interactions. It can deliver personalized recommendations to enhance the shopping experience.

Key results:

  • 86% engagement rate, 4-minute average interaction time;
  • 8% click-through rate, which is 6% higher than rate for email marketing;
  • 200% increased engagement and 70% higher revenue.

Educational Chatbots

Educational chatbots are a captivating application of automation in the realm of learning. They offer a user-friendly, scalable approach to education. Furthermore, they often include gamification elements to enhance engagement. These chatbots transform how individuals acquire knowledge, making learning more accessible and enjoyable.

Georgia State University’s Pounce Chatbot
Georgia State University’s Pounce Chatbot

Georgia State University successfully implemented a personalized student communication system through the introduction of Pounce, a custom virtual assistant designed to engage admitted students effectively. Pounce’s key functions included sending reminders, providing relevant enrollment information, collecting survey data, and offering 24/7 support for student inquiries. The introduction of Pounce aimed to combat summer melt and optimize the enrollment process.

Key results:

  • Reduced summer melt by 22% in the first summer of implementation;
  • Provided over 200,000 answers to incoming freshmen’s questions in the first year;
  • Achieved a 4% decrease in the percentage of confirmed freshman class not enrolling;
  • Eliminated the need to hire 10 full-time staff members for handling messaging volume.

Chatbots at Work: Industry-Wide Applications

Travel and Hospitality

Chatbots in travel and hospitality provide quick answers to inquiries, book accommodations, and offer personalized recommendations. These assistants are available 24/7, simplify booking, and raise clients’ satisfaction. They also cover flight information and hotel reservations and even suggest local attractions. This makes travel planning more convenient and efficient.

Luxury Escapes utilizes a sophisticated chatbot to enhance the customer experience. This chatbot assists users in searching for and booking luxury travel deals. Users specify their preferences, and the chatbot utilizes AI to suggest suitable accommodations.

Luxury Escapes Travel Chatbot
Luxury Escapes Travel Chatbot

Key results:

  • 4070+ deals viewed and 6200+ users engaged with the bot in 3 months since launch;
  • $300,000 in revenue within its first 90 days;
  • a reply rate of 89% for retargeting messages and a conversion rate of 52.63%;
  • conversation rate of 12%, which is 3 times higher than the website’s.


Telecom chatbots address common queries, assist with billing inquiries, and troubleshoot technical issues. They offer real-time responses, reducing wait times and enhancing user experiences. These chatbots can also help customers check data usage, manage service plans, and even process payments. They provide comprehensive support while reducing the workload on human agents.

Telecom Virtual Assistant
Telecom Virtual Assistant

The Telecom Virtual Assistant from Master of Code Global is a notable example of chatbots in Telecom. The chatbot relies on AI and ML technologies to deliver personalized, user-centric conversational experiences. It addresses customer inquiries, manages transactions, and provides support, significantly reducing wait times for live customer support agents.

Key results:

  • over 1.1 million engaged conversations;
  • 45% containment rate in one-time payment and AutoPay experiences;
  • 73% containment rate in Netflix-related inquiries;
  • 40 diverse use cases ranging from bill payments to mobile service management;
  • 62% containment rate in Device Protection-related queries.


eCommerce chatbots are virtual shopping assistants that enhance the online shopping experience. They provide product recommendations, answer customer queries, and assist with purchases. Being NLP-based, they understand user preferences and guide them through product selections. These chatbots speed up the buying process, increase sales, and offer personalized shopping experiences, making them valuable tools for eCommerce businesses.

BloomsyBox eCommerce Chatbot
BloomsyBox eCommerce Chatbot

Infobip and Master of Code Global integrated Generative AI into the BloomsyBox eCommerce Chatbot. This resulted in the creation of exceptional and personalized greeting cards. The BloomsyBox chatbot asked users five daily questions as part of the campaign. Generative AI integration enabled the winners to generate personalized messages for their mothers. These messages ranged from lighthearted and humorous to heartfelt and affectionate, making each greeting card special.

Key results:

  • 60% of users who engaged with the bot completed the quiz;
  • 28% of visitors answered all questions correctly and won a free bouquet;
  • 38% of users chose Generative AI to generate a personalized greeting card;
  • 78% of winners successfully claimed their prize.

Key Considerations When Planning Your Bot with a Chatbot Service Provider

Navigating chatbot development services can be complex, with numerous considerations to keep in mind. Using our extensive experience, we’ve compiled a list of vital recommendations to guide you through the process. Our insights will help you make informed decisions when partnering with a chatbot service provider.

1. Define Clear Objectives. Clearly outline your chatbot’s goals and purpose. Our team of strategists, CX designers, and chatbot developers will work closely with you to adjust the chatbot to your business’s needs. We will also help align it with your brand voice and target audience.

2. Bot Functionality. Determine the functionalities your chatbot requires to meet your goals effectively. Our chatbot developers and AI trainers will fine-tune the chatbot based on user interactions and feedback. We ensure it provides accurate responses and optimal user experiences.

3. Content and Topics. Define the topics your chatbot should cover, whether it’s product information, customer support, or more. Our conversation design experts will create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. So chatbot will engage users naturally, enhance interactions, and solve user questions effectively.

4. Conversation Flow. Choose between guided or free-flowing conversation approaches. Our methodology ensures that conversation design experiences are user-centered, engaging, and adaptable.

5. Data Privacy and Security. Your service provider should adhere to industry-leading encryption standards and data protection regulations. It creates a safe and trustworthy environment for consumers. The clients remain confident in their data privacy and get a positive user experience.

With our extensive experience in chatbot development and Conversational AI, our clients get a customized and highly effective AI solution for their business.

Sum up

Today, understanding the nuances of various types of chatbots is crucial for businesses to make the most of their potential. Traditional, AI-powered, or hybrid chatbots offer distinct capabilities and business value. Furthermore, the choice between text-based and voice-enabled or transactional and conversational chatbots depends on specific communication needs and functionality requirements.

Numerous types of chatbots play pivotal roles in different industries. They can enhance customer support in Telecom or improve online shopping in eCommerce. They bring value by streamlining operations, automating tasks, and providing personalized experiences. As you explore the possibilities of integrating chatbots into your business, remember these key considerations: define clear objectives, determine bot functionality, specify content and topics, plan conversation flow, ensure multilingual support, and prioritize data privacy and security.

Partnering with Master of Code Global ensures your chatbot project benefits from our extensive experience. We’re here to help your business thrive in the dynamic world of chatbots.

Businesses increased in sales with chatbot implementation by 67%.

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