Maryna Bilan

Maryna Bilan

Former Marketing Manager

Maryna Bilan is our former Content Writer and Marketing Manager with expertise in Generative AI technologies and their impact on businesses, Call Center Automation, and Conversational AI. She is particularly enthusiastic about the transformative potential of ChatGPT and its profound influence on the AI market.

Posts by Maryna Bilan

HR Chatbot Insights: Benefits, Use Cases, Statistics, and Real Examples

A growing number of companies are using virtual assistants to interview and evaluate candidates. However, some business owners may have …

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HR Chatbot Insights: Benefits, Use Cases, Statistics, and Real Examples

Retail Chatbot: The Secret Weapon for Industry Success

In the world of competitive online retail, chatbots have become increasingly significant. Their acceptance rates in online retail soar to …

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Retail Chatbot: The Secret Weapon for Industry Success

Conversation Intelligence: A Tool for Improving Sales, Customer Service, and More

In the realm of modern business, where each interaction can influence outcomes, even a simple conversation carries substantial potential. Similar …

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Conversation Intelligence: A Tool for Improving Sales, Customer Service, and More

12 Chatbot Features for Business Success | Master of Code

In modern business, the integration of technology has become crucial for achieving success. Among the innovative tools driving this transformation, …

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12 Chatbot Features for Business Success | Master of Code