Blockchain Development Services

Master of Code Global's Blockchain Development Services fortify your data with impenetrable security, ensuring immutability, traceability, and complete peace of mind. We empower you to build transparent systems that reduce costs and increase efficiency.

  • ISO 27001

    certification guarantees our solutions adhere to global security standards

  • 9.2

    is the average client satisfaction score our clients report for the services

  • 500+

    projects successfully delivered by Master of Code Global

Our Full-Spectrum Blockchain Development Services

  • Robust dApps on Leading Platforms

    From ideation and prototyping to deployment and maintenance, our decentralized application engineering services cover the entire lifecycle of your project. We will assist you in designing and implementation of safe, scalable, and interoperable dApps on Ethereum, Stellar, and Solana. Whether you need a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, a supply chain solution, or a distinctive concept, our blockchain development company has the expertise to turn your vision into reality.

  • Strategic Blockchain Advisory

    Our consulting approach begins with a deep dive into your operational challenges and strategic objectives. We analyze your industry landscape, identify potential use cases, and assess the viability of integration. Our blockchain experts then work collaboratively with your team to design a customized strategy that aligns with your long-term vision. They also offer in-depth onboarding sessions to equip your workers with the knowledge to effectively utilize the new solution.

  • Blockchain App Development Services

    We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Our custom engineering process is iterative and collaborative, ensuring that your project grows alongside your business needs. From smart contract design and decentralized application creation to tokenization and consensus mechanisms, we tailor every aspect to your unique specifications, delivering full-stack blockchain development services.

  • Tailored Blockchain Wallet Solutions

    Whether you require a multi-currency wallet for your exchange platform or a one-of-a-kind system for your DApp, we build apps that integrate smoothly with your infrastructure and address your major concerns. Our blockchain developers create secure, intuitive wallets that empower your clients to easily manage their digital assets. The applications we deliver are designed with protection, usability, and scalability in mind, maintaining a trouble-free user experience.

  • Asset Tokenization Platforms for Global Markets

    Break down barriers to investment by fractionalizing high-value resources like real estate, art, or commodities. Our platform development services allow you to discover the hidden worth in your assets by dividing them into more accessible digital tokens. This opens up new opportunities for investors to participate in markets that were previously out of reach. With our secure apps, you can effortlessly expand your investor base and increase liquidity for your holdings.

  • Scaling Your Business on Polygon

    Take advantage of Polygon’s high-throughput, low-fee environment to elevate your projects. Our experienced blockchain development team specializes in building adaptable decentralized applications, intelligent contracts, and dynamic NFT marketplaces on this framework. Whether you seek to enhance existing software or construct new, innovative ones, we capitalize on Polygon’s specific capabilities to accelerate your firm’s growth and achieve unparalleled efficiency.

  • Robust Blockchain Security

    In the era defined by cyber vulnerabilities, trust in the unyielding stability of the domain. Our blockchain development services include rigorous protection measures to defend your assets. We combine the immutable nature of this technology with advanced cryptography and proactive threat monitoring to guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of your information. MOCG is here to fortify your infrastructure against emerging threats, providing you with peace of mind.

  • Safe & Scalable Cryptocurrency Exchanges

    As a leading crypto development company, we engineer decentralized exchanges (DEX) that combine uncompromised safety with the flexibility to adapt to demand fluctuations. Our proficiency extends beyond mere transactions; we implement features such as high-frequency trading capacities, liquidity management tools, and intuitive user interfaces. Partner with us to establish a trusted DEX that attracts a loyal audience and drives sustained expansion in this market.

  • IEO and ICO: Holistic Fundraising Solutions

    Our blockchain software development services extend to wide-ranging IEO and ICO programs. From tokenomics modeling and platform architecture to marketing outreach, we handle each dimension of your token launch, empowering you to raise capital skillfully and efficiently. Let our seasoned engineers guide your journey, assuring regulatory compliance and technical soundness while you focus on the primary objective.

  • Solidity Coding for Reliable Applications

    Our engineers specialize in using Solidity to make tamper-proof Ethereum-based custom blockchain solutions. We ensure precision in coding, enhancing the reliability of your DApp. Whether you’re developing sophisticated DeFi protocols or complex transaction systems, our experience guarantees efficient performance and rock-solid trustworthiness. We also provide detailed audits and continuous support to prevent vulnerabilities.

Your Blockchain Arsenal of Solutions for Every Need

  • Mobile App Development

    Crafting One-of-a-Kind NFTs

    From virtual real estate to in-game collectibles, we mint digital assets that elevate immersive experiences within the metaverse, fostering ownership, trade, and interaction with crypto holdings. This empowers brands to activate novel revenue streams and captivate their audience.

  • Large Language Models Grounding

    Sophisticated Smart Contracts

    Our expert engineers automate smart contracts that optimize intricate processes, eliminate intermediaries, and establish trust in transactions for crowdfunding, blind auctions, multi-signature wallets, and beyond.

  • Managed Services

    Exclusive Blockchain Networks

    Whether your demands call for a private, public, or hybrid network, our blockchain developers architect and implement bespoke apps that align with your unique requirements, ensuring elasticity, safety, and maximum effectiveness.

  • Prompt Computers

    Secure Crypto Wallets for Your Investments

    With client-friendly interfaces and robust protection measures, the crypto wallets delivered by MOCG enable users to confidently manage their holdings. We support a diverse array of cryptocurrencies and tokens, enabling seamless trades and impenetrable repositories.

  • High-Performance Trading Infrastructure

    Our commerce software is created on a resilient blockchain framework, guaranteeing protection, reliability, and scalability to handle substantial trading volumes while maintaining a frictionless user experience. We transcend cryptocurrency exchange, designing solutions that unlock untapped markets and liquidity.

  • Complex Frontend Development

    Decentralized Finance Reimagined

    From social networks to supply chain management systems, Master of Code Global possesses the expertise to transform your vision into reality with custom-built blockchain instruments tailored to your specific business objectives.

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    Empowering Governance with DAOs

    We build decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) that equip communities with the tools to govern themselves, make collective decisions, and oversee shared resources transparently and securely on the blockchain.

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    Pioneering DeFi Solutions

    Master of Code Global champions the transformative power of decentralized finance to create a more equitable and accessible system. Our team is committed to building advanced applications that allow individuals and groups to seize control of their monetary future.

Tailored Blockchain Applications for Your Industry

  • Telecom

    As a custom blockchain development company, we empower telecom providers with tailor-made solutions. MOCG specialists create interoperable networks for seamless roaming, safe IoT device management systems, and transparent billing platforms, driving efficiency and enhancing customer satisfaction.

  • Insurance

    Through our blockchain development service, companies in this sector can streamline operations and reduce fraud. We design bespoke software for protected data sharing, risk assessment, and claims processing, leveraging the power of the technology to build a more efficient and reliable insurance ecosystem.

  • Healthcare

    Do you want to optimize processes and lower costs across your medical infrastructure? Thanks to our blockchain-powered patient-centric platforms you can ensure confidential health data administration and frictionless transmission between providers. We build apps for verifiable credentials, tamper-proof healthcare records, and granular consent control.

  • Retail
    Retail & eCommerce

    We provide end-to-end visibility into your product journey, from origin to consumer, ensuring ethical sourcing and reducing waste. Our blockchain development solutions utilize smart contracts to automate inventory oversight, track shipments in real-time, and foster smooth cross-border transactions, unlocking new efficiencies and cost savings.

  • Finance
    Banking & Finance

    Immutable audit trails for effortless regulatory compliance, decentralized identity protocols that bolster client security, and on-the-spot settlement systems – these are the pillars of our blockchain-based apps for financial institutions. We also offer advanced tokenization platforms, discovering new investment opportunities and liquidity for a wide range of assets.

  • Transportation

    By engineering decentralized vehicle identification interfaces, we facilitate straightforward lineage tracking. Our fortified peer-to-peer car-sharing tools empower individuals to effortlessly lend their machines. Furthermore, we generate incorruptible records for component authenticity and warranty management, cultivating trust and efficiency within this industry.

  • Education

    With our blockchain website development services, organizations transform how they manage student data and credentials. By automating administrative procedures, providing transparent record-keeping, and creating engaging learning experiences through tokenized rewards and gamification, we help educators focus on personalizing academic pathways for each trainee.

  • Travel&Hospitality
    Travel & Hospitality

    You can easily elevate guest journeys and streamline operations with our blockchain-powered loyalty programs. Master of Code Global designs reliable supply chain management systems for sustainable tourism, protects booking data on immutable ledgers, and enables secured digital identity verification for uninterrupted check-ins and border crossings.

  • Airports
    Airports and Airline

    Does your brand intend to overhaul baggage handling? Our blockchain-based tracking solutions enable real-time monitoring of luggage throughout its journey, decreasing the risk of loss and mishandling. Our team also develops smart contracts for automated compensation in case of delays or cancellations, guaranteeing a fair and efficient resolution for passengers.

Blockchain Expertise That Delivers: On Time, On Budget, and On Point

  • Employee Productivity Enhancement

    Your Blockchain Dream Team

    Our seasoned blockchain app developers possess deep expertise in Solidity, Ethereum, and other leading technologies. We transform your ideas into safeguarded, scalable, and high-performing applications that drive business growth.

  • Deep Learning

    Proven Track Record in Delivery

    MOCG experts prioritize producing top-tier apps within realistic timelines. Agile development methodologies and rigorous quality assurance processes ensure that your software is completed on time and exceeds expectations.

  • Predictive Modeling

    Rapid Deployment, Reliable Results

    Our commitment to seamless project management ensures a smooth and efficient delivery process. We maintain transparent communication, provide regular updates, and collaborate closely with you at every stage, ensuring a stress-free experience.

  • Machine Learning

    Flexible Engagement Models

    Whether you need staff augmentation to enhance your existing crew, a dedicated development team to tackle a specific assignment, or full blockchain development outsourcing, we offer versatile partnership approaches tailored to your unique needs.

  • Generative AI

    Solutions Scaled to Your Business

    Master of Code Global is a trusted enterprise blockchain app development company with a demonstrated history of delivering innovative systems for businesses of all sizes. From startups to major corporations, we empower organizations to capitalize on the power of this technology.

Choose Your Blockchain Foundation

  • Ethereum

    Smart contract powerhouse for dApps, DeFi, and tokenized assets, fostering a vast developer community and robust infrastructure.

  • Stellar

    Lightning-fast, inexpensive blockchain network optimized for cross-border payments, microtransactions, and asset issuance, championing financial inclusion and global accessibility.

  • Cosmos

    An interconnected network that enables seamless interoperability and scalability through its modular design and Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol.

  • Solana

    It’s a high-performance platform renowned for its unparalleled transaction speed and low fees, ideal for decentralized exchanges, gaming apps, and other high-volume implementations.

  • Polkadot

    A scalable, multi-chain network that fosters interconnectivity and data sharing, empowering developers to build coherent instruments and parachains with exceptional functionalities.

  • NEAR Protocol

    Engineer-friendly platform presenting a resilient, cost-effective environment for crafting decentralized applications, featuring innovative sharding technology and intuitive mechanisms.

  • Polygon

    Ethereum’s scaling solution provides fast and affordable transactions through its sidechain architecture, preserving compatibility with smart contracts and an extensive ecosystem.

  • Cardano

    Research-driven blockchain platform prioritizing security and sustainability, with a rigorous peer-review process and focus on academic investigation for impactful dApps.

  • Hyperledger

    A versatile suite of open-source frameworks and devices tailored for enterprise use cases, offering modularity, customization, and flexibility across various industries.

  • Hedera

    It’s a publicly distributed interface for high throughput, minimal latency, and secure transactions, powered by its unique hashgraph consensus algorithm and boasting various programs.

Case Studies and Client Success Stories

What Our Customers Say About Our Services

Chatbot Development for Tom Ford Beauty
The Project
  • development Social Media Marketing
  • check$10,000 to $49,999
  • calendarNov. 2019 - Jan. 2020
project summary

Master of Code Global developed a Chatbot to assist holiday shoppers on the client's e-commerce site. Their team generated both the NLP and NLG and set up the hosting account for the bot.








Willing to Refer

The Review "It was such a pleasure working with them." Feedback summary

"It was such a pleasure working with them."As a result of Master of Code Global's work, the client was able to generate online sales and boost engagement. Their attention to detail, proactivity, and reactivity is impressive. They were consistently available and supportive.

The reviewer Media & Consumer Engagement Manager, Tom Ford Beauty
user_icon Axelle Basso Bondini
  • servicesBeauty & Cosmetics
  • mapNew York City, New York
  • employee5,001-10,000 Employees
  • phoneOnline Reviewquestion_mark
  • verifiedVerified
Facebook Chatbot Development for Beauty Line
The Project
  • developmentServices Custom Software Development
  • check$50,000 to $199,999
  • calendarJan. 2017 - Ongoing
project summary

Master of Code develops Facebook chatbots to support the company's promotions for in-store services as needed.








Willing to Refer

The Review “...the chatbot increased online bookings by 50%.” Feedback summary

“...the chatbot increased online bookings by 50%.”Master of Code not only provides extremely helpful chatbot features but also goes above and beyond to improve the user experience. Their services have had a significantly positive impact on the business, and their team continues to be great to work with overall.

The reviewer Assistant Manager of Consumer Engagement, Beauty Supply Company
  • servicesConsumer Products
  • mapMinneapolis, Minnesota
  • employee1,001-5,000 Employees
  • phonePhone Interview question_mark
  • verifiedVerified
Chatbot Development for Global Travel Company
The Project
  • development Custom Software Development
  • check$10,000 to $49,999
  • calendarNov. 2018 - Feb. 2019
project summary

Master of Code Global developed a Facebook chatbot for a travel company and integrated it with the company’s API, LiveChat, Google Maps, and Salesforce. The chatbot is accessible across multiple globa








Willing to Refer

The Review “The combination of their technical experience combined with their creative, out-of-the-box thinking set them apart.” Feedback summary

“The combination of their technical experience combined with their creative, out-of-the-box thinking set them apart.”The chatbot not only drove $500,000 in revenue within the first few months but also achieved 3X better conversion than the website and an 89% user response rate. Master of Code Global proved to be creative and technical experts in the chatbot space. They met deadlines and communicated

The reviewer VP of Digital Marketing, Luxury Escapes
user_icon Matt Meisner
  • servicesHospitality & leisure
  • mapAustin, Texas
  • employee201-500 Employees
  • phonePhone Interviewquestion_mark
  • verifiedVerified

Your Blockchain Journey: Step-by-Step Guide

Our expert developers work hand-in-hand with your team to design, build, and deploy custom blockchain and crypto applications that drive real business value. We prioritize transparency, communication, and ongoing support throughout the entire development lifecycle.

  • Step 1

    Initial Consultation and Requirement Gathering

  • Step 2

    Technical Assessment and Proof of Concept

  • Step 3

    Custom Solution Design and Architecture

  • Step 4

    Deployment, Optimization, and Security Audit

Your Business Vision Meets Technology Mastery Now

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