All About eCommerce Chatbots and Best Examples

calendar Updated July 08, 2024
Elena Makarenko
Former Marketing Specialist
All About eCommerce Chatbots and Best Examples

Chatbots have changed how businesses in the eCommerce industry connect with their customers by providing instant, cost-effective, and highly customizable support. These innovative digital assistants have redefined the dynamics of customer-business interactions, facilitating rapid, budget-friendly, and precisely tailored assistance. Over time, enterprises have harnessed the potential of chatbots to craft ingenious solutions, developing strategies that align with a diverse range of business objectives. Within the context of this article, we embark on a journey into the realm of eCommerce chatbots and their profound impact on driving business success. Our focus centers on the pinnacle of achievement in this domain – the top 8 instances of Conversational AI integration within the eCommerce sector.

Transforming Customer Engagement with eCommerce Chatbot

eCommerce chatbots are sophisticated AI-powered tools that modify customer interactions within the realm of online shopping. These virtual assistants, specifically designed for eCommerce businesses, are meant to mimic human conversation and provide real-time support, guidance, and personalized recommendations to users visiting eCommerce websites or platforms. By integrating natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms, these conversational eСommerce bots, tailored for the business environment, can understand and respond to customer queries, help them navigate product listings, offer assistance with the purchasing process, and even address post-purchase concerns. eCommerce business chatbot enhance the user experience by offering 24/7 availability, reducing response times, and catering to individual preferences through their ability to analyze past interactions and purchase history. In addition to streamlining customer support for online businesses, these chatbots also serve as effective marketing tools by promoting special offers, suggesting related products, and driving engagement. Ultimately, they contribute to increased sales and customer loyalty in the competitive landscape of online retail.

Tips for Business Growth with eCommerce Chatbot

Incorporating a conversational AI for eCommerce into your business strategy offers multifaceted benefits. These AI-powered assistants streamline customer support, providing instant responses and personalized recommendations around the clock. They can boost sales by offering intelligent product suggestions and promoting special offers. Additionally, chatbots excel in lead generation by capturing user data and seamlessly integrating with multiple platforms. Their ability to enhance advertising efforts, engage users, and increase conversion rates makes them essential tools for navigating the competitive landscape of online retail.

Tips for Business Growth with eCommerce Chatbot
Tips for Business Growth with eCommerce Chatbot
  • Increase Conversion Rates: An eCommerce chatbot has the capability to initiate real-time interactions with customers, assisting in resolving their questions and manoeuvring them through the purchase journey. As noted by AI Multiple, these chatbots have the potential to elevate conversion rates by as much as 67%. This effectiveness stems from the chatbots’ ability to assist customers during online shopping by providing relevant information and guiding them through the checkout process. Such tailored engagement fosters increased trust and successful conversions, effectively transforming potential shoppers into actual buyers.
  • Boost Lead Generation: By initiating conversations and collecting user information, an eCommerce AI chatbot can identify potential leads and capture essential data. This data can then be used to tailor marketing efforts and nurture these leads into becoming valuable customers.
  • Increase Sales: Chatbots in eCommerce offer individualized product recommendations based on user preferences and behavior. This capability can significantly contribute to cross-selling and upselling, leading to larger order values and increased revenue for your business. As indicated by Juniper Research, chatbots are projected to contribute to a retail sales value of $112 billion by the year 2023.
  • Instant Customer Support: Approximately 60% of customers express that prolonged holds and waiting times constitute the most frustrating aspects of a customer service experience. One of the key advantages of an eCommerce bot is its round-the-clock availability to address customer inquiries. This ensures that customers receive timely assistance, resulting in elevated satisfaction levels and enhanced customer loyalty.
  • Integration with Multiple Platforms: A chatbot for eCommerce can be seamlessly integrated across various platforms, such as your website, social media, and messaging apps. This consistency in customer experience ensures that no matter where customers engage with your brand, they receive the same quality of assistance from the chatbot.
  • Improvement in Advertising Efforts: The best eCommerce chatbots can engage users with targeted promotions and advertisements. They can provide relevant information and even enable direct purchases within the chat interface. This heightened functionality enhances the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns and drives more conversions.

7 Ways to Drive Business Success with eCommerce Chatbots

eCommerce chatbots play an important role in enhancing website functionality and elevating the overall user experience. The extent of their impact varies based on their deployment and usage strategies. By effectively guiding visitors through product searches, providing instant responses to questions, and offering personalized and engaging experiences for users, these chatbots in eCommerce streamline the user journey and facilitate seamless interactions. Leveraging their capabilities in sales assistance, order tracking, and post-purchase support, businesses can ensure a smoother and more satisfying online shopping for their customers, thereby enhancing the shopping experience throughout the entire journey.

7 Ways to Drive Business Success with eCommerce Chatbots
7 Ways to Drive Business Success with eCommerce Chatbots

Answer FAQs

Chatbots integrated into the realm of eCommerce hold the potential to substantially enhance the functionality and user-friendliness of your website. One of the significant ways in which they achieve this is by serving as efficient responders to frequently asked questions (FAQs). These AI-driven conversational agents offer instant and accurate answers to common questions, ensuring that visitors can access essential information promptly and without unnecessary friction. By alleviating the need for customers to navigate through extensive FAQ sections or wait for human responses, eCommerce chatbots streamline the user experience, reducing frustration and enhancing overall satisfaction. This enhanced accessibility and responsiveness contribute to making your website more user-centric and conducive to positive interactions, ultimately benefiting your business’s online presence and customer engagement.

Customers Engagement

Integrating an eCommerce chatbot into your website holds the potential to significantly heighten its performance and impact. These sophisticated virtual assistants have the ability to engage customers in dynamic conversations, fostering active interactions that keep visitors engaged and interested.

Moreover, the cost-effectiveness of chatbots compared to traditional marketing strategies is a noteworthy advantage. By leveraging artificial intelligence, the most advanced chatbots gain a deep understanding of customers’ preferences and requirements. This allows them to offer precise and relevant information whenever users seek it, creating efficient experience. Through these capabilities, eCommerce chatbots improve your website’s functionality and contribute to building stronger customer relationships and increasing user satisfaction.

Sales Automation

By employing eCommerce bots, retailers can access a variety of valuable functionalities aimed to transform Customer Experience (CX). These bots can seamlessly guide customers through the intricate journey of purchasing, providing step-by-step assistance and clarifications on product details. The potential to offer tailored product recommendations based on individual preferences empowers retailers to deliver a more personalized shopping encounter. By keeping customers informed about ongoing sales, promotions, and exclusive offers, eCommerce bots become indispensable allies in marketing efforts. Furthermore, these chatbots play a crucial role in streamlining the checkout process by nudging customers towards the next stage, ensuring a smooth and efficient transaction. In sum, eCommerce bots amplify retailers’ abilities to engage, assist, and retain customers, fostering a more effective and satisfying online shopping environment.

Post-sale Support

Providing post-sale support is an essential aspect of customer service, and this is where proficient chatbots excel. Conversational eCommerce bots are particularly adept at addressing inquiries related to orders, shipping delays, refunds, and product returns. Additionally, they have the capability to offer valuable insights and advice about products. By taking on these responsibilities, eCommerce chatbots effectively relieve the workload of customer service agents, enabling them to focus on more complex tasks. These chatbots ensure that customers receive prompt answers to their queries at any time of the day, ensuring a seamless and satisfactory experience. This comprehensive support is accessible across a wide array of retail and messaging channels, catering to customers’ preferences and convenience.

Customer-Centric Data Utilization

Utilizing the capabilities of the best eCommerce chatbots, gathering feedback and data becomes an indispensable practice for businesses looking to elevate their operations and offerings. By proactively engaging with customers to solicit feedback and harnessing pertinent data from diverse sources, companies can glean pivotal insights into customer inclinations, challenges, and emerging market trends. This treasure trove of information serves as a potent asset, enabling informed decision-making, refining products or services, and customizing strategies to align with evolving customer demands. Moreover, the structured accumulation of data and feedback empowers businesses to monitor their progress over time, pinpoint areas that warrant enhancement, and ultimately cultivate a more customer-centric and adaptive operational ethos.

Real-Time Interaction Insights

Implementing an eCommerce chatbot can significantly raise the functionality of your website by effectively capturing real-time interactions. These chatbots possess the ability to document and analyze the conversations they engage in with users, providing valuable insights into customer preferences, pain points, and frequently asked questions. By recording these interactions, businesses can identify patterns, refine their offerings, and streamline their customer support processes. This data-driven approach empowers companies to make informed decisions and ensure that their website remains responsive to evolving customer needs.

Data-Driven Sales Enhancement

Within the domain of eCommerce, chatbots offer a powerful tool that extends beyond customer interactions, providing rich analytics that can significantly drive sales growth. These chatbots in eCommerce are equipped to gather and analyze vast amounts of data generated through customer conversations, product inquiries, and purchasing behaviors. By extracting actionable insights from this data, businesses can refine their marketing strategies, fine-tune product offerings, and identify trends that can lead to increased sales conversions. This analytical prowess allows companies to make data-driven decisions, optimize their sales funnel, and create more targeted and effective conversation intelligence-driven Conversational AI marketing campaigns, ultimately contributing to a more successful and competitive eCommerce landscape.

Elevating Customer Engagement with eCommerce Chatbot

Transform your business’s approach to customer support, interaction, and service through the utilization of AI-driven eCommerce chatbots. Conversational AI chatbots have the capacity to aid customers in exploring your products, streamline the purchasing journey, provide pertinent details about orders, and efficiently resolve concerns. Whether you’re already utilizing a chatbot solution or are contemplating the potential of conversational AI, Master of Code stands ready to provide guidance and assistance in conversational AI services.

Meeting these expectations can pose challenges for both small and large online retailers. Leveraging AI chatbots within the realm of eCommerce presents a solution to enhance customer service, expedite operations, and maintain cost-efficiency. Master of Code offers valuable insights for seamlessly integrating a eCommerce bot into your ecosystem.

Best eCommerce Chatbot Examples on the Market


SnapTravel is regular on many top 10 lists of chatbots because it does so many things right. SnapTravel is a digital travel agency that has created an entire application inside a chatbot. The AI chatbot can be used on Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and even SMS to find deals on hotels and flights by simply using platforms that are already on your phone. Additionally, customers also use SnapTravel to check flight status, hotel reservations, and changing prices.

SnapTravel Chatbot
SnapTravel Hotel Booking Chatbot

Nike StyleBot

With a clever campaign during the launch of their AirMax Day shoes, Nike increased its average CTR by 12.5 times and the conversions by 4 times. How did they do it? With a chatbot called StyleBot.

The StyleBot is an AI chatbot that allows enthusiasts to find shoes based on their preferences through product recommendations. However, StyleBot’s party trick was giving users the ability to create their own personalized shoe designs. After designing their own shoes, customers had the option to share it (or save) or even buy it.

Nike StyleBot
Nike StyleBot for Facebook Messenger


A lot of eCommerce chatbot have limited functionality, with most of them simply being “store-finders”. Not Aerie’s chatbot though. This chatbot by US-based clothing and lingerie brand has taken a fresh approach to product recommendations. Instead of simply sending the user links to different products, Aerie sends over a side-by-side comparison of two products with two captions: This and That. Users reply with either “This” or “That” to indicate their preferences.

Aerie Chatbot
Aerie Chatbot

Whole Foods

In 2016, Whole Foods launched its Conversational commerce chatbot on Facebook Messenger and it did everything a Whole Foods’ chatbot should do – it helped customers find recipes, ingredients, locate nearby stores, recommend different recipes, and also teach how to make them.However, Whole Foods’ chatbot was different in one way – customers could use emojis to talk to it. Now not everyone wants to talk using emojis but customer engagement sure increased because people want to see what a chatbot would recommend if you send it an emoji of what’s in your fridge.

Whole Foods
Whole Foods Market Bot

Lidl’s Winebot

Lidl’s Winebot Margot is an AI chatbot that recommends different wines to users by catching keywords in their messages, everything from price and grape to taste and region. Margot has a friendly tone and educates users on various types of wines, what they go well with, the price, and quite a few other details – basically everything most people need to quickly pick up a new wine.

Lidl’s Winebot
Lidl’s AI Wine Chatbot

The chatbot is created by Lidl UK and operates on Facebook Messenger.

Sephora Facebook Messenger Chatbots

Sephora has two AI chatbots on Facebook Messenger. The first is the Sephora Reservation Assistant which helps customers make a booking at Sephora quickly. Since its launch, the chatbot has resulted in an 11 percent increase in conversions.The second chatbot is called Sephora Virtual Artist and is a big step in chatbot innovation. Virtual Artist is a shade matching bot that allows customers to try on different shades of lipstick by uploading a picture. Virtual Artist can also be used to find different shades of lipstick.

Sephora’s Reservation Assistant
Sephora Chatbot for the Beauty Industry

Dom Juan (Domino’s Pizza)

In 2016, Domino’s introduced Dom, the Pizza Bot, a chatbot that could take your orders – through voice as well. It’s a great chatbot that works with Facebook Messenger, Slack, WhatsApp, Apple Watch, and a few other platforms. However, it’s not the chatbot we have on our list.

Dom Juan (Domino’s Pizza)
Domino’s Pizza Chatbot

Meet Dom Juan, Domino’s latest chatbot that servers romantics on Tinder “cheesy” messages. It was more of a marketing stunt than actual customer service but it was a great stunt, nonetheless and since we’re giving points for innovation, Dom Juan had to be on this list of top Ecommerce Chatbot Examples.

Subway (Google RCS)

Google RCS (Rich Communication Services) is a new messaging protocol with endless use cases for business messaging. It also supports advanced chatbots.

However, Subway did not create a chatbot for Google RCS. Instead, they used the service natively to send deals and promotional offers to customers in an interactive and rich-media format. The reason we’re including this in our list of chatbots is because Google RCS will soon become a must-have for business messaging. When Subway used RCS during its limited release phase, it still managed to increase conversions on sandwiches by 140% and by 51% on meal deals. With RCS soon launching on all major networks, this effectiveness will only increase.

 Subway Bot
Subway’s Facebook Messenger Chatbot


Chatbot development companies integrate eCommerce virtual assistants to transform not only customer interactions but also to emerge as strategic tools for businesses aiming to enhance their operations and customer experiences.. With the ability to provide instant support, personalized recommendations, and streamline various processes, chatbots offer a dynamic solution that caters to the evolving demands of modern consumers. The preference for eCommerce chatbots over traditional service-oriented settings underscores their effectiveness in delivering seamless assistance to customers navigating online retail platforms. As technology continues to advance, the potential for further enhancements in chatbot capabilities promises to redefine the eCommerce landscape and move business success to new heights. As we move forward, the collaboration between human ingenuity and Conversational AI solutions like chatbots holds the promise of continuously elevating the standard of customer engagement in the eCommerce arena.

Boost Your Business

Increase avg. weekly conversion in 7.67x with chatbot launch for your eCommerce solution.

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