‎Amanda Stevens

Former Director of Conversation Design

Amanda Stevens is the former Director of Conversational Product Design at Master of Code Global with extensive experience in conversational design and Customer Experience (CX). She has successfully delivered multi-channel conversational products for a wide range of clients, ranging from startups to enterprise-level, including Fortune 50, 100, and 500 companies.

Posts by ‎Amanda Stevens

Evaluation Results of top Banking Virtual Assistants (Part 2)

In Part 1 we evaluated three banking chatbots in the financial services sector: TD Bank’s Clari, RBC Bank’s Ask Nomi, …

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Evaluation Results of top Banking Virtual Assistants (Part 2)

Putting Banking Chatbots to the Test (Part 1)

At Master of Code, we developed a Chatbot Analysis Framework for businesses to review and evaluate their conversational AI solutions …

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Putting Banking Chatbots to the Test (Part 1)

Conversation Design Discussion (Part2): Designing for voice agent

Welcome to part 2 of our Conversation Design discussion. In part 1 we learned about multimodal Conversational AI assistants: best …

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Conversation Design Discussion (Part2): Designing for voice agent

Conversation Design Discussion (Part1): Multimodal Conversational AI assistants

Artificial Intelligence (AI) adoption has skyrocketed over the last 18 months. And Gartner says that chatbots are just one step …

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Conversation Design Discussion (Part1): Multimodal Conversational AI assistants