
The Ultimate Guide to Conversational AI in Finance

04 May 2023

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    Tackle the top Challenges of Financial institutions with Conversational AI

    With a Customer Experience as a top priority for the Banking and Financial sector, managing and improving customer support is a must. Hence Finance industry leaders have already put AI as their top priority for their innovation strategy and have achieved impressive results. HDFC’s Electronic Virtual Assistant (EVA) has responded to more than 5 million inquiries with at least 85% accuracy.

    To reap the full spectrum of Conversational AI benefits for Banking and Financial sector, it is not enough to solely rely on FAQs automation, as businesses need to start looking beyond it and consider numerous Use Cases to solve business problems and increase customer satisfaction.

    Download the white paper to learn about:

    • Main Conversational AI use cases providing value to Financial Service Industry Companies
    • Top Virtual Assistants examples in Financial Industry
    • Benefits of Banking with Conversational AI
    • Real-time risk monitoring, identification of fraud and cyber attacks by the chatbot and more!